Above all, readers want useful information, whether from a road sign or an investment guide. This motive is not completely absent even in readers of fiction, although few people read Madame Bovary for straightforward advice on how not to run a marriage. At a more abstract level, readers want a narrative that makes the world seem to make sense, and they sometimes choose stories that fit with their worldview rather than stories that fit the facts. Alice W. Flaherty
About This Quote

When people read a book they want it to be entertaining, informative and enlightening. When people want to read a book that helps them discover something new about the world or their life they will read it. This is because they want to find out more about the world and themselves through reading books. People want to learn something new and this is the main reason why people read books.

Source: The Midnight Disease: The Drive To Write, Writers Block, And The Creative Brain

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  5. People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - Logan Pearsall Smith

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